Friday, April 15, 2011

modeling scam watch out!

So recently I was trying to find a job...and I went on craigslist....yes craigslist....
And then I received a response email....after the second email, they sent me one where they are asking for my 

Name in full:
Full Address:
Zip code:
Phone number:
Email address:
Date of Birth:
Waist size:
Clothing Size:
Shoe size:
Three photograph of your self:

Ok first of all...Its extremely suspicious why they need my address and everything and ask for more photos if they seem to already accept me. 

here is all the emails below... 

On Apr 13, 2011 3:40 AM, "Barry Cole" <> wrote:
> This is to acknowledge the receipt of your email and here
> are more information about the assignment it’s a $1300 pay Fashion job
> (Assignment) for you, My client wants to update her Catalog with her new year
> release Fashion outfits, this assignment is to encourage the upcoming models in
> the industry she is affiliated with the Academy Art, you don't have to be
> worried about your experience or present look because we have specialist
> stylist and make Up artist who will bring the real beauty out of you, I’m a professional
> photographer/Manager some experience. Find all details for the job below.
> Job Location
> The shooting will be hold at a rented photographers studio
> in your location, so you don't have to worry about traveling, the name and
> address of the studio will be forwarded to you a week before the date of the
> shooting, all make up will be taken care of in the studio.
> Security/Guard.
> You can come along with any body of your choice on the day
> of the shooting, your mum, dad, friend, body-guard anybody you wish to come
> with just for you to feel more comfortable.
> Job details
> You have 12 different Fashion outfits to cover, which would
> be provided by our client on the day of the shooting and no nude.
> Types of cloths
> Jeans and Jackets
> Name of client
> Samantha Cook
> Company Name
> Beth Designer
> Job percentage
> The total pay for the jobs is $1300 but you will get $300 as
> upfront part payment before the shoot as to show seriousness and ascertain the
> job, the remaining balance of $1000 will be paid to you in cash at the shooting
> venue immediately after the shoot.
> Shooting Date
> The date for the shooting is meant to be 7th of  May 2011, I will have to make arrangement for
> that ahead from now, and I will email you a week before fix date if there will
> be a change for the shooting, as soon as the arrangement is completed with our
> client.
> Requirements
> Very Attractive, Classy, In Great Shape, Extremely Outgoing
> & Personable, out spoken, Must be Reliable.
> Payment Policy
> As part of my working policy and ethics, I receive part
> payment from any client before I proceed with any job and balance immediately
> after the shooting, this is to identify a serious client and ascertain the job,
> and I hope you comprehend this fact.
> I will keep you updated as to when our client wants to make
> upfront payments
> Expectation
> You need to have good and attractive poses. (Start
> practicing) Basically this is all required of you, for your make up my client
> will be taken care of it, you don't have to be bother for any make up, please
> get in touch with me if you will take the job and we can go from there, just
> let me know if you will take the job to commence with next arrangement.
> Please I'd like you to check your email on a regular bases,
> I might have updates for you and please confirm the receipt of this email you
> can give me a call back or text me rather thanks.
> Regards,
NEXT EMAIL: keep scrolling down!

Barry Cole

 to me

I appreciate your interest on this assignment, I just want you to know that our client has assured me that part payment will be mailed to you, until you receive and confirm payment we will not shoot, your total pay for the job is $1300 as I said earlier and upfront part payment of $300 will be mailed to you first and the balance of $1000 in cash immediately after the shoot. regards your poses just practice the one you know for now as time goes on before the shooting date there will be someone to practice with you and teach you more pose and styles because this catalog will be publish world wide this may be your open way opportunity.

If you agree to take this job and will obey all rules and regulation that will be giving to you on this assignment get back to me with the following information below:

Name in full:
Full Address:
Zip code:
Phone number:
Email address:
Date of Birth:
Waist size:
Clothing Size:
Shoe size:
Three photograph of your self:

Also she said after we confirm the part payment, as you know the shoot date has been fixed to be held on 7th of May 2011 let me know if the date is ok for you. Make-up, hair etc would be taken cared of at the Studio as we are presently deliberating with some studio agents over location, remember you can come along with anyone of your choice.

You have 12 different fashion outfits to cover as I already mentioned which would be provided by our client on the day of the shooting, most type of clothing will be Jeans and Jackets.
I hope all is well stated, make sure you get back in touch with the above required details at once thank you.


The spacing and the email format is suspicious, the grammar is horrible and modeling agencies and bookings would most likely NOT present the expenses and pay so forward. They are offering $1300 for an amateur like me. NOT right....

They would be sending me $300 in the mail after I provide them with all my information????
hmmmmmm now at this point if the light bulb in your head has not clicked yet...I don't know what to tell you. After I read this, I received another EXACTLY email from a guy named Ralph. Man how much more obvious can they get? As the light bulb in my head lit up, ring ring**** SCAM written all over it!  So I went online and typed in "modeling scams" on Google and I found these sites and forums:

PLEASE look at them for any future incidents you might run into.


Name in full:
Full Address:
Zip code:
Phone number:
Email address:
Date of Birth:
 Think carefully and STAY SAFE!!!!!

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